EET 07: Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer

EET 07: Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer 7A
The Servo Voltage Stabilizer - 7A is used to stabilize the power supply to make energy test of efficiency in factory laboratories and electrical testing laboratories.
The Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizers from SECOM was designed and manufactured to perform the test specified in many standards (IEC 60335, IEC 60065, IEC 60745, IEC 61029, IEC 60950) and it can help you overcome voltage fluctuation.
Its is designed to meet the requirements of international safety regulatory agencies such as UL, DNV, IMQ, BVSQ, ITS, IRAM, CSA, VDE, DIN, INMETRO.
It controls and It stabilizes:
- done Output Voltage regulation ±1% of voltage setpoint.
- done The operation principle is electronic-mechanical reason why it does not alter to the frequency nor the waveform of the power provision.
- done The microcontroller controls a motor that is the one in charge to vary the position of the axis of a variable autotransformer to be able to always maintain the output voltage in the setpoint value.
- done It is able to control equipment of consumptions of up to 7 Amperes in this model (for consumptions up to 25A it clicks here).
- done Has a Display LCD 20 ch
- done Output Voltage: Form display LCD you can set the output voltage from 40Vca up to 245Vca
The Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizers constantly monitors the output voltage and controls the variations in the output voltage by movements of a motor. This motor in turn selects the proper output voltage on the variable transformer (variac)
The system is based on hardware with a microcontroller of last generation and a display LCD of interphase with the user, in where it registers the different operations and instructions from operation.
A keyboard readily accessible also allows the total control of the functions of the equipment like its programming.
The equipment is given with its report of calibration drawn up to national patterns and a manual of user for its use.
The components used in the design guarantee an excellent quality of work.
add Regulation: ± 1%.
add Maximun load: 7 Aca
add Without steps in the output voltage.
Weight: 25 Kg.
IRAM 2404-3.