EEE 01: Tracking Index (CTI).

Tracking Index Test Apparatus - IEC 60112.
The EEE 01 was designed to determining the Comparative tracking Index (CTI)
Main Specifications
- done Programmable beetwen 0 to 600 Vca.
- done Programmable current tracking system to ensure 1 A
- done Programmable current sensor with tripping circuit up to 0,5 A.
- done Programmable drop interval from 0 to 60 seconds.
The TRACKING INDEX APPARATUS from SECOM was designed and manufactured to perform the test specified in the norm IEC 60112 ("Method for determining the comparative and the proof tracking index of solid insulating materials under moist conditions") and many others standards ( IEC 60335, IEC 60065, IEC 60745, IEC 61029 ) to determine compliance with safety requirements related to solid insulating materials under moist conditions.
The TRACKING INDEX APPARATUS from SECOM is totally controlled by PC (Embedded PC) with drop indication, voltage indication, current indication and timmer indication on a 19” digital display LCD
Its is designed to meet the requirements of international safety regulatory agencies such as UL, DNV, IMQ, BVSQ, ITS, IRAM , CSA, VDE, DIN , INMETRO.
This method simulate tracking currents on insulation material by providing drops between electrodes. During normal use insulating material may be exposed to moisture and dirt that, if conductive, may cause stress and fire hazard.
The sample to be tested is subjected to a voltage between 0 to 600 Vac by means of two electrodes resting on it with a load of 1 Newton. Between electrodes, drops of conductive solution are dropped at regular intervals.
A pump feeds electrolyte through a nozzle to produce drops which fall on the sample.
The number of drops allowed to fall on the sample are preset by drop counter.
Sensing of a drop stops the pump until the next timing signal is received. Automatic shutdown is achieved when the tracking current exceeds 0,5 A , registering a FAIL. After the present number of drops and no breakdown, the unit will revert to standby mode and indicate a OK.
Making the test:
After you setting all parameters of testing and after having placed the sample under test at the table carrying shown on the computer, you can begin the test.
The following parameters are required:
- add Voltage Test.
- add MAX Current.
- add Current limit fails.
- add N droplets.
- add Time between drops.
- add Maximum length of the fault current.
- add Number of report.
- add Name of the client.
After you setting all parameters of testing, please making click in the button Test.
The system will perform the following steps:
- Actuate the relay that shorting the electrodes to measure current.
- Increase the voltage between electrodes, until the voltage setting.
- Increase the current until you reach the maximum current setting on this screen.
- Power off of the relay short circuit.
- Begin to drop drops at regular intervals.
- Measure current and voltage at each drop.
Completion of a test.
The test may finish by any of the following reasons:
- Because all the drops fell setuid for you and there was no current exceeding the current limit (Test OK).
- Because the test was canceled by You (Test CANCELLED).
- Because the system recorded a current exceeding the current limit (Test with FAILURE).
done Programmable current sensor with tripping circuit (0,5 A).
done Built-in pumping device.
done Height drop: 35mm +/- 5mm.
add Software with: Drop indication, voltage indication, current indication and timmer indication on a 19” digital display LED.
add Monitor LED 19”.
add Wireless Keyboard & Mouse.
add Pre calibrated load on the electrodes, exerting a force of 1 Newton each.
add Clear acrylic cover for safety.
add Adjustable sample platform.
Weight: 68 Kg.