DPB 01: Ball Pressure Apparatus
DPB 01: Ball Pressure Apparatus
The Ball Pressure Test Apparatus is designed to perform tests specified in many standards where resistance of insulating materials to elevated operating temperatures is to be determined.
DPB 01: Ball Pressure Apparatus
The device Ball Pressure Test Apparatus was made according to IRAM 2073 / IRAM 4220-1 / IEC 61032 / NM 60884-1 IRAM.
The part under test shall be placed on a 3 mm thick plate and in direct contact with the plate.
The surface of the part to be tested is placed in horizontal position and presses a steel ball of 5mm diameter, against this surface with a force of 20 N.
The test load and the support must be placed in the oven for a time sufficient to ensure that the stabilization is reached the test temperature before testing.
The assay is performed in an oven at a temperature of 125 °C (+/- 2 ° C).
After 1 hour dese must remove the ball from the sample, which is immersed within 10 seconds in cold water to reach approximately room temperature.
Measure the diameter of the impression caused by the ball which is not more than 2mm.
Weight approx.: 3 Kg.
done IRAM 4220-1
done IEC 61032
done IEC 60884-1.